Friday, March 23, 2007


Alright, so I've been told by someone recently that I'm a very philosophical person. Actually, I believe it was the first word that came to this person's mind after our first meeting. No I've disagreed with that, mainly because I would have never, ever described myself as philosophical. However, the more I think about it, the more I wonder if this person is right.

On the flip side, the same person asks if another character trait of mine - kindness - is a consistent trait. Then I began to wonder, am I always nice, sweet, kind, gentle with those I relate? Am I stuck in a rut of consistent, and God-forbid, boring behavior? I'm not worried that this person thinks I'm boring, or that any of my friends think I'm boring. But, as a professional, as a writer, as a creator I fear that I could easily find myself getting into a rut which could hamper my professional development.

I was reading some of Walt Whitman's works today and I came across this quote:

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
I am large, I contain multitudes.

With that in mind, I'm absolutely positive Whitman would agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson, a contemporary and an admirer, who called "a foolish consistency the hobgoblin of little minds...", as well as with Oscar Wilde: "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative."

Here is the problem, I find myself at times basically striving to try an remain consistent, to remain stable (read "boring"), at being trustworthy ("dull") , reliable ("predictable"), and at being loyal ("uncreative"). Now while stable, trustworthy, reliable, and loyal are wonderful characteristics for any person of course, but only when they are not masquerading simply as a cover for consistency.

The creative-type, aren't we suppose to be by definition "the definition" of inconsistency?

I sit here at my dining room table, as I do almost everyday, attempting to write something new, something profound, something to pay the bills. But, it has become a routine, it has become stable and reliable. I can trust that I will be here, I've become loyal to my table, my laptop, my tea pot. I think it is time to shake up my routine.

I am not going to change my character, because I am Donegal John. Being nice, sweet, kind, gentle to my friends and those who I hold dear is part of who I am. It is in my character. However, I think it is time to take the creativity away from my writing and bring it into the rest of my life more.

So, today I am giving myself (and all of you readers; all 2, maybe 3 readers) permission to express some kind of wild inconsistency. Today the challenge for our lives is to be creatively inconsistent, and enjoy it. I think afterwards we will all agree with Whitman, we are large and contain multitudes.


Friday, March 16, 2007

I Think Upon Your Beauty and Reflect

I think upon your beauty and reflect,
Through grace with goodness, near perfect.
A single look, men's hearts have fluttered,
Beauty surpassing any depiction uttered.

Splendor and gracious of face and soul,
Not just in part, but of the whole.
The beauty gentler, yet for some reason,
I hope and pray that this be the season.

I bring you this, my gift of rhyme,
Of care, of passion, a gift of time,
And word and script to fill your mind.
You are someone special, someone kind.

For you to touch a life is a blessing,
Including mine, I am professing.
Here and now, my feelings on display,
In wishing you a blessed birthday.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Self Made

I walk among dark and greening trees
I hear the winds and feel the breeze
My heart yearns for what I long
Yet travel on through right and wrong

Where I go and what I see
Defines who I am and what I be
I fear not now or what’s to come
What I am is where I’m from

I see not why I e’re turn back
But continue on down this track
Overtaken, you join me here
As long as you’ll hold me dear

Find me not changed from whom you knew
Only surer of what in myself is true


An Apology

I am sorry all for being away so long. It has been some time since I have written here and that will not happen again. As John Cleese once said,
All right, all right, I apologize. I'm really, really sorry, I apologize unreservedly.
So, let's go back shall we and start over. I've be very busy with my book. "Adam's Walk" (my working title) is now closing in on the 400 page mark. I have envisioned the ending, now it is just a matter of getting there. Also I have been inspired of late thanks to life lived, life that I'm living, and life to live yet. I have three new poems I want to share today. Enjoy!

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