Monday, October 17, 2005

About Donegal John

Hi, I'm Donegal John. I'm a twenty-seven year old father and husband, in that order. A professional 6 years or 1 year into my chosen field, depends in how you look at it. I work in a field where innovation and logic are valued and needed. I thrive on work that allows me to be both a problem solver and creative/social.

I am socially active moderate and believes in being fiscally conservative. If I could spend my time defending one cause, it would be the rights of children and the ability for a child to have a childhood without worry.

I believe we are stewards of what we have been given; we need to use what we have been given as best we can while remembering we cannot take it with us. This includes our environment, our talents, and our financial means.

I love classical arts (both music and art) and I love the live theater.

I love and derive energy from social settings. I love to meet new people and make new friends. I love sports and the social aspects of watching sports in a group setting. When it comes to sports, I'm you usual guy with an international flare.