Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Key Questions from the BBC

Back in April, I compiled a list of questions for my friends based on questions asked to BBC Five Live presenters on their website. However, I never answered them myself. So here we go…

How did you get here? This morning? I took the bus.

What was your worst on the job nightmare? 9/11 I knew too many people on Wall Street

What was your best on the job moment? Completing my first $1MM trade

What was your worst job? Scraping mold off aged cheese

What was your best job? Currently…Lots of freedom

What is your ambition? World domination (…Are you pondering what I’m pondering…)

What is your biggest secret? If you only knew…

What would your epitaph be? “Always smiling”

What is your favorite football (soccer) team? Manchester United

What would you do if you were invisible? I would like to spend the day in the Oval Office, just to see what really goes on

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? My daughter Paige

Best piece of advice you have been given? A windy day is not a day for thatching

What do you sing in the bath? Yep!!! And I sound GREAT!

What was your best “freebie” ever? Bottle of 21 year-old Bushmill’s Irish Whiskey

What is your drug of choice? See Above

What is your favorite piece of clothing? My Roy Keane Manchester United home long sleeve shirt

If your house were on fire - what three things would you save? Not including the people and pets in my life, my wallet, the external hard drive on my computer, and said Roy Keane shirt

What would be the title of your autobiography? “WTF Now?”

Whom do you share your birthday with? Kobe Bryant (Same year too)

What is your favorite TV show? To be particular, there are some shows on the Science and History channels I like a lot.

Who, living or dead, would you most like to have a pint with? Shakespeare

Who, living or dead, would you most like to have a fight with? Oh, there are so many people in need of a good ass kicking…

How would you change the world? Creation of a society that understands that it is OK to ask for help, but understands it is not entitled to help.

What is your favorite film? A Beautiful Mind

Have you ever won anything? Yes!

Whom do you admire most? My Sarah

What is your idea of living hell? Life without football

What is your favorite track (song)? U2 “All Because of You”

Sweet or savory? Savory

Red or white? Red

Style or substance? Substance

Restaurant or takeaway? Restaurant

Fizzy or still? Still

Children or pets? Both

Connery or Brosnan? Connery

Love or money? Love

Beer or wine? Whiskey

Early or late? Early

Butter or marg? Butter

Chocolate or strawberry? Strawberry

Kylie or J-Lo? Oh…to have the choice!!!

Dogs or cats? Dogs

Beetle or Mini? Mini

Custard or ice cream? Ice Cream

Bath or shower? Shower

Fast or Slow? Fast

Night or Day? Day

Man U or Arsenal? Man U

Beatles or the Stones? Stones

Sport or sofa? Sport

Subtitled or dubbed? Subtitled

Sangria or sake? Sake

Fergie or Wenger? Fergie

Night out or night in? OUT!

Beckham or Owen? Becks (Once a scouser, always a scouser!)

Tap or bottled? Tap

Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite

Flared or straight? Straight

Summer or winter? Winter